Benefits of Membership

Become a Member

Dear Colleague!

Thank you for your interest in the Academy of Operative Dentistry. We are an organization that values excellence in dental practice and dental education. We strive to create a welcoming and nurturing environment for our members and their guests. By becoming a member of our academy you will find an unparalleled access to the cutting edge clinical and research information that will empower your professional and personal development. Our membership includes some of the most recognized names in the field of dental education. Our member dentists practice, teach and conduct research across the globe. The meetings of the Academy feature prestigious opportunities for professional collaboration and heart-warming camaraderie. The personal connections formed during the annual meetings carry the greatest potential for the professional advancement of our member dentists.

If you are a young dentist in the beginning of your professional career - a special welcome to you! Many of our current and past members came to the Academy as dental students or recent graduates, and immensely benefited from the association with the Academy of Operative Dentistry. Vast majority of our members continue attending the meetings even after their retirement, enjoying the stimulating updates and personal friendships lasting decades.

The Academy of Operative Dentistry was formed in 1972 with the purpose of promoting and advancing excellence in Operative Dentistry. Despite the tremendous changes in dental materials, diagnostic tools and clinical practices, the Academy’s purpose remains the same: to establish and communicate a very high standard for the practice of Operative Dentistry; to empower members of the Academy in attaining excellence in their professional work, and to support and inspire the standard of excellence in all dental disciplines.

Below you will find a list of some of the particular benefits of becoming a member of the Academy of Operative Dentistry.

  1. As an AOD member, you are entitled to attend the Annual Meeting, held each year in February at the Drake Hotel in Chicago, at a special member rate.
  2. Some of the best science in dentistry is presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy.
  3. Members are subscribed to the Operative Dentistry Journal, a prestigious evidence-based reference in restorative dentistry. It maintains one of the highest impact ratings in the field of peer-reviewed dental publications.
  4. Members have full access to the Members Only area of the website, where numerous opportunities exist for networking, patient referrals and announcements of research grants and scholarships.
  5. Numerous leadership and service opportunities are available within the Academy.
  6. Student members may join for free and are entitled to the digital Journal Subscription at a reduced rate.
  7. We are good people! Academy members enjoy collegial associations and mentoring opportunities. Our community of experts and renowned leaders are happy to support Academy members in their professional development and collaborate across disciplines and time zones on treatment plans, research projects, journal submission and variety of other professional activities.
  8. The expertise within our Academy is phenomenal – our members have authored leading textbooks in Operative Dentistry, and many other books and chapters in the broad realm of Restorative Dentistry.
  9. Academy of Operative Dentistry is a home to numerous prestigious national and international Study Clubs including the Academy of Richard V. Tucker Study Clubs and the Hollenback Study Clubs. These organizations actively recruit new members. As an AOD member you will find their doors open to you. Mentorship in a hands-on study club is one of the fundamentals to advancing your professional knowledge and skills.
  10. The future looks bright! We are adding Continuing Education modules to our on-line platforms, expanding social media presence and developing creative ways to transmit clinical and research data for professional development.
  11. American Board of Operative Dentistry (ABOD) is an associated entity within our Academy and pursuing ABOD status requires AOD membership. If you wish to challenge yourself in obtaining ABOD status, we are the parent Academy and we are here to help.