Membership Categories

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Governing Members

  • Active Members
  • Life Members

Associate Members

  • Honorary Members
  • Student Members
  • Affiliate Members


  • Active Member. Any dentist may become an Active Member of this Academy. For purposes of classification, a Charter Member is an Active Member of the Academy.
  • Life Member. An Active Member of the Academy, having attained the age of 65, and having been an Active Member in good standing for 20 consecutive years, or 25 years with interrupted membership with at least 20 of those years being an active member, may apply to the Executive Council for reclassification as a Life Member. An Active Member who becomes fully retired beyond the minimum age of 65 may apply to be reclassified as a Life Member following 10 years of active membership in the Academy. In the event of disability, which impacts adversely on the practice or teaching of dentistry, an Active Member may apply for life membership at any age.
  • Student Member. A pre-doctoral or post-doctoral student in an accredited dental school shall be classified as a Student Member of this Academy.
  • Honorary Member. An individual, not necessarily a dentist, who has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the art and science of operative dentistry, upon nomination by the Executive Council and election by the Governing Members, may be classified as an Honorary Member of this Academy.
  • Affiliate Member. A person who is not otherwise eligible for any other type of membership in this Academy, but who has a sincere interest in Operative Dentistry, and who wishes to support the objectives of this Academy may be elected as an Affiliate Member of this Academy upon application to and approval by the Executive Council.

Approval of an Active Member

The prospective Active Member shall complete an application form furnished by the Academy and send it to the Secretary. The Secretary shall act upon those applications, granting membership status following receipt of a properly completed application and payment of dues. The approved new members shall be presented to the Governing Membership at the annual meeting.


  • Governing Members. A Governing Member in this Academy may be elected to any office or appointed to any committee of the Academy, may attend any scientific session upon payment of the registration fee, and has both the right and the obligation to vote at any and all business meetings of the Academy. Attendance at business meetings is open to all members, regardless of classification, and without payment of a registration fee.
  • Associate Members. An Associate Member of this Academy has the right to attend its scientific session upon payment of the registration fee. The Member may attend business meetings, and, subject to the consent of the Chair, may express his/her opinions, but shall not have the right to vote.

Attention Existing Members:
You must login before you will be able to renew your membership.

For new Student members only - please contact your program director for application procedures.

Active $400.00
Affiliate $400.00