2016 Annual Meeting

Daily Program

Tuesday Feb 23, 2016



10:00 – Noon

Preconference Meeting
Ben Marshall Boardroom – 1st Floor

Wednesday Feb 24, 2016



7:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Impromptu Meeting Room
Michigan Room – Mezzanine Level

7:45 – 9:00 AM

Operative Dentistry Executive Board
Georgian Room – Mezzanine Level

9:00 – 11:55 AM

AOD Executive Council
Georgian Room – Mezzanine Level

10:00 – 11:55 AM

ABOD Executive Council
Florentine Room – Mezzanine Level

11:00 – Noon

Research Committee Meeting
Ontario Room – Mezzanine Level

Noon – 2:00 PM

ABOD Luncheon/Annual Meeting
Venetian Room – Mezzanine Level

2:00 – 3:30 PM

Scientific Session Committee Meeting
Ontario Room – Mezzanine Level

2:00 – 4:00 PM

Parkside Room – Mezzanine Level

2:00 – 4:00 PM

AAGFO Executive Council
Astor Room – Mezzanine Level

3:00 – 4:00 PM

CMD Committee Meeting
Florentine Room – Mezzanine Level

3:00 – 6:00 PM

Marquette Room
3:00 – 8:00 PM Hospitality Suite
Princess Diana Suite – Room 550
3:30 – 4:30 PM Journal Editorial Board Meeting
Tudor Room – Mezzanine Level
4:00 – 5:00 PM Founders Fund Trustees Meeting
Ontario Room – Mezzanine Level
5:00 – 9:00 PM ARVTSC Executive Council
Georgian Room – Mezzanine Level


Thursday Feb 25, 2016


7:00 – 8:00 AM New Member Breakfast
Venetian Room – Mezzanine Level
7:00 – 8:20 AM Opening Session reception
French Room – Lobby Level
7:00 – 4:30 PM Registration
Marquette Room
7:00 AM – 9:00 PM Impromptu Meeting Room
Ontario Room – Mezzanine Level
8:30 – 9:30 AM The Cycle of Tooth Preservation via Stress-reduced
Direct Composite Restorations
Dr. Simone Deliperi
Grand Ball Room – Lobby Level
9:30 – 10:30 AM The One Clinical Mistake That Can Ruin Your
Career and What You Can Do About It
Dr. Mitchell Gardiner
Grand Ball Room – Lobby Level
10:30 – 10:55 AM Break
French Room – Lobby Level
11:00 – Noon How to Bridge Research Results to Everyday
Clinical Care
Dr. Valeria V. Gordan
Grand Ball Room – Lobby Level
12:15 – 1:45 PM Lunch/Hollenback Prize
Gold Coast Room – Lobby Level
2:00 – 3:00 PM Does Gold Still Hold a Place in Your Restorative
Practice? Should It?
Dr. Randall Allan
Grand Ball Room – Lobby Level
3:00 – 4:00 PM Implant-based Rehabilitation of the Oro-facial
Defect Patient
Dr. Eric Dierks
Grand Ball Room – Lobby Level
4:00 – 5:00 PM Paradigm Shifts Resulting from Biometric
Restorative Dentistry and Bio-emulation
Dr. Pascal Magne
Grand Ball Room – Lobby Level
5:10 – 6:30 PM C.O.D.E. Meeting
Parkside Room – Mezzanine Level
5:00 – 6:30 PM Hospitality Suite
Princess Diana Suite – Room 550
6:30 – 7:00 PM Pre-Gala Cocktail Reception
Drake Room – Lobby Level

7:00 – 9:00 PM

Gold Coast Room – Lobby Level

Friday Feb 26, 2016


7:00 – 8:00 AM Breakfast (Business Mtg begins at 7:40 AM)
Gold Coast Room – Lobby Level
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Impromptu Meeting room
Ontario Room – Mezzanine Level
8:25 – 4:30 PM Registration
Marquette Room – Lobby Level
8:30 – 9:45 AM Living with the Legacy of Dental Amalgam
Dr. Nairn Wilson
Grand Ball Room – Lobby Level
9:45 – 10:15 AM Break
French Room – Lobby Level
10:15 – Noon Myth of Anterior Guidance
Dr. John Kois
Grand Ball Room – Lobby Level
Stand-by Clinician What’s New in Operative Dentistry in the Navy!
Dr. Jeffery Nordin
12:35 – 1:30 PM Lunch/Award of Excellence
Gold Coast Room – Lobby Level
1:00 – 1:45 PM Table Clinicians Setup
Walton and Grand Ballroom – Lobby Level
1:45 – 4:45 PM Table Clinics
Walton and Grand Ballroom – Lobby LevelThe French room will host our corporate sponsors
and exhibits from 7:00 AM—5:00 PM. Take some time to
go see what is new and to thank our sponsors for their
generosity and support.

4:30 – 6:30 PM

Hospitality Suite
Princess Diana Suite – Room 550


Event Registration and Costs

2016 Annual Meeting Registration

The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Operative Dentistry will take place in Chicago, IL. on February 24-26, 2016 at the Drake Hotel. We welcome all who are interested in Operative/Restorative Dentistry to participate with us.

The cost for this annual meeting will be:

  • $800.00 for Academy Members, Affiliate Members, or Technicians and Auxiliaries employed by Members
  • $1100.00 for Professional Non-Member Guests, Technicians and/or Auxiliaries
  • $500.00 for Student Members of the Academy
  • $600.00 for Non-member Students

There will be an additional $50.00 charged on all fees above for registrations submitted after 31 January 2015, and $100 charged for at-the-door registrations.

The registration money pays for access to all essays, table clinics, the business breakfast, two lunches, coffee break refreshments
and the gala evening reception with hors d’oeuvres. For questions regarding any aspect of this program, its costs or policies of the AOD, please contact Dr. Richard G Stevenson III at codytina_aod@yahoo.com.

Registration: Marquette Room Lobby Level

Pre-registered members and guests may pick –up registration packets at the “PRE-REGISTERED GUESTS” desk.

Members and guests who have NOT pre-registered will please register in the same room but at the area identified by signs as, “ON-SITE REGISTRATION”.

Cancellation Policy:
Full refunds will be issued if cancelled before 31 January 2016; 1/2 refunds until 18 February 2016, none thereafter.

Reminder for New Information Use

The Academy of Operative Dentistry hopes you enjoy our 2016 Essay and Table Clinic Program and that you find the presentations useful to you and your patients. We would caution, however, that all new materials and techniques have a learning curve and would advise that you look carefully at the information given at this meeting prior to incorporating it into your practice.

Continuing Education Information

This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program
(ADA CERP) through joint efforts between Operative Dentistry, Inc., and the Academy of Operative Dentistry.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or Instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of
dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to ADA CERP at www.ada.org/goto/cerp.

Essay Program – Grand Ballroom

8:30 – 9:30 AM Thursday – 25 FEB 2016

The Cycle of Tooth Preservation via Stressreduced Direct Composite Restorations

Dr. Simone Deliperi
Cagliari, Italy

A biomimetic clinical protocol for class II composite
restorations, first published in the JADA in 2002, will be
presented along with further development in the last 12
years; the same biomimetic principles will be presented for
both the anterior restoration and the full-mouth rehabilitation
to introduce the “Cycle of Tooth Preservation” for the natural

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand a stress-reducing technique: maturation of the bond, layering and curing protocols.
  2. Comparing a stress-reduced direct technique with traditional techniques available for the restoration of posterior teeth.
  3. Become familiar with the stress-reducing direct composite (SRDC) technique through a step-by-step clinical protocol.

Dr Deliperi graduated in 1998 (U-Cagliari) and completed his Esthetic Dentistry fellowship in 2000 (Tufts-U). He received the AACD Student Research Award (2000). Since
2001 he served as visiting faculty at Tufts-U, where he currently holds an Adjunct Assistant Professorship.

Dr Deliperi authored several scientific publications on restorative and esthetic dentistry, and serves on editorial boards of Operative Dentistry, Journal of Esthetic & Restorative
Dentistry and the PPAD. He provides national and international CE and hands-on courses on restorative and biomimetic dentistry. He is Scientific Advisor for Academy
of Biomimetic Dentistry. He also maintains a private practice and operates a teaching center in Cagliari, Sardinia-Italy.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit. Dr. Deliperi reports no proprietary, financial or other personal interest of any nature
or kind in any product, service and or company that will be presented.

9:30 – 10:30 AM Thursday – 25 FEB 2016

The One Clinical Mistake That Can Ruin Your Career and What You Can Do About It

Dr. Mitchell Gardiner
Shrewsbury, New Jersey

As clinicians, our main focus in dentistry is to properly
diagnose and treat the dental diseases presented to us. We are
anxious to perform procedures with the highest skill levels that
we can achieve. Our goal is to work efficiently within a time
frame that we choose so that we stay on a printed schedule and
do not make the next patient wait for their appointed time in the
operatory. The problem with this mindset for the busy clinician
is that we are more interested in completing procedures
successfully and we tend to not pay enough attention to the
overall medical condition of our patients. Ignoring or not
obtaining an accurate, honest and complete medical history
could be the worst mistake you will ever make in your
career. You can and will suffer emotionally and legally. This
presentation will help participants to refocus on the standards
of care as it pertains in dentistry to THE MEDICAL
HISTORY. Actual malpractice cases that focus on medical
history will be presented and analyzed.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the importance of the medical history in patient treatment
  2. Learn how to get a complete and honest medical history
  3. Learn what the standards of care are for medical history documentation
  4. Learn by analyzing actual malpractice cases how critical the complete medical history is for legally defending a lawsuit

Dr. Gardiner graduated from Rutgers Dental School in 1977.
After serving three years in the Navy he entered private
practice as a general dentist in New Jersey. For over 20 years
Dr. Gardiner has served as an expert witness in court on dental
malpractice cases, and he presents programs throughout the
United States on issues of dental malpractice. He holds fellowships
in the Academy of General Dentistry, The American
College of Dentists, and the International College of Dentists.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
Dr. Gardiner reports no proprietary, financial or other personal interest of any nature
or kind in any product, service and or company that will be presented.

11:00 – NOON Thursday – 25 FEB 2016

The 35th Buonocore Memorial Lecture

How to Bridge Research Results to Everyday Clinical Care

Dr. Valeria V. Gordan
Gainsville, Florida

The course will present practice-based research as means to translate
research findings to everyday clinical care. It will discuss the importance
of evidence-based knowledge to clinical practice and why
practice-based research is so timely and important to the future of clinical
dentistry. The presentation will also mention the latest research
results from the National Dental Network (National Dental PBRN).

Learning Objectives:

  1. Course participants will learn about practice-based research.
  2. Participants will assess the strengths and limitations of practicebased research, as well as identify the barriers of translating research into everyday practice.
  3. Participants will be given the opportunity to be involved in the National Dental Network, the Nation’s Network, both as clinicians and researchers. The Nation’s Network is a NIH funded enterprise with close to 6,000 members.
  4. Participants will be informed about the latest results from research studies conducted in the National Dental Network.

Valeria V Gordan, DDS, MS, MS-CI, is a Professor in the Restorative
Dental Sciences Department and Director of Practice-based Research at
the University of Florida.

Dr. Gordan received her DDS degree from State University of
Londrina, Brazil in 1993, her MS degree in Operative Dentistry from
The University of Iowa in 1997, and her MS degree in Clinical
Investigation from College of Medicine, University of Florida in 2007.
Dr. Gordan is a researcher, educator, and a clinician with an active
practice. Her research interests have been in the area of caries diagnosis
and preservation of tooth structure using minimally invasive restorative
techniques through translational and clinical research applications. She
has published over 150 peer-reviewed manuscripts. She has served on
the Editorial Board of 15 international journals including the Journal of
Dental Research, Journal of Applied Oral Sciences, and Operative
Dentistry and she has served as an ad-hoc reviewer for 30 international
journals. She is a Fellow of the Leadership Institute at the American
Dental Education Association and the recipient of various teaching
awards, among them, University of Florida “Teacher of the Year”, the
“Faculty of Honor in the Professionalism and Coating Ceremony”, and
“The Dental Educator Award” from the Florida Dental Association.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
Dr. Gordan reports no proprietary, financial or other personal interest of any nature
or kind in any product, service and or company that will be presented.

2:00 – 3:00 PM Thursday – 25 FEB 2016

Does Gold Still Hold a Place in Your Restorative Practice? Should it?

Dr. Randall Allan
Vancouver, Canada

Using gold as a restorative material has slowly fallen out of favor over
the last number of years. This presentation will discuss some of the
reasons for this occurrence and examine whether or not those reasons
are valid or misguided. Clinical cases will be used to try to augment
this examination and an attempt will be made to demonstrate to
attendees that gold is of great value as one of the many restorative
materials at our disposal and that incorporating it into our restorative
practices can be rewarding and fulfilling for both the clinician and the

Learning Objectives:

  1. Full understanding and appreciation of the advantages of gold as a restorative material.
  2. What contributes to patient treatment decisions and why we may be misunderstanding our patients’ desires.
  3. Why we may be shortchanging our patients – and ourselves – in restoring their teeth.
  4. When and where is the best time to use gold as a restorative material.
  5. If at any time during the presentation you are inclined to answer No and Yes, how to address that conflict.

Dr. Randy Allan graduated form the University of British Columbia in
1979 and has been in private practice in Vancouver since that time. In
1984 Dr. Allan became a member of The Richard V. Tucker Cast Gold
Study Club of Vancouver under the mentorship of Dr. Richard V.
Tucker. He continues as an active member of that club as well as the
Walter K. Sproule Gold Foil Study Club. Dr. Allan is also himself a
mentor of the Victoria R. V. Tucker and Nova Scotia R. V. Tucker
Study Clubs. Dr. Allan has mentored and lectured on the Tucker
technique of conservative cast gold restorations in Italy and the United
States at various times over the years and is a contributing instructor at
the University of British Columbia student Cast Gold elective and the
Student R. V. Tucker Cast Gold Study Club of U. B. C. He authored
the article: “The Aesthetic 7/8 Gold Crown – The Tucker Technique”,
which was published in Operative Dentistry – January/February 2009
and the Journal of the Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry and
Prosthodontics – Vol. 4-2, Summer 2011.

He is a member of The Academy of Operative Dentistry and a member
and Past President of the Academy of R. V. Tucker Study Clubs.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
Dr. Allan reports no proprietary, financial or other personal interest of any nature or
kind in any product, service and or company that will be presented.

3:00 – 4:00 PM Thursday – 25 FEB 2016

Implant-Based Rehabilitation of the Oro-facial Defect Patient

Dr. Eric Dierks
Portland, Oregon

The dental implant is rapidly becoming as pivotal to dental practice
as amalgam was in the early to mid 20th century. A logical extrapolation
of implant technology has been its use among patients with
major acquired defects of jaw and facial structure resulting from
tumor, trauma, advanced atrophy or other causes. The long history
of post-traumatic maxillofacial prostheses points out the need for
better retention and beginning in the late 20th century, dental
implants have been placed in the frontal bone, temporal bone,
zygoma and elsewhere to anchor a variety of previously problematic
prostheses of the nose, orbit and beyond. The zygomatic implant
offers a unique option for rehabilitation of maxillectomy patients as
well as non-tumor patients with advanced maxillary atrophy. Bone
anchored hearing aids (BAHA), originally developed by Brånemark
and ENT colleagues in Sweden, are now standard practice throughout
the world.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify patients whose conventional oral implant rehabilitation may be facilitated by consideration of the option of zygomatic
  2. Understand the potential problems and complications of nasal and orbital implant -supported prosthetic reconstruction.
  3. Appreciate the unique needs of the auricular prosthesis patient as well as the unique implants utilized in this application.

Dr. Eric Dierks received his medical and dental degrees from the
University of Louisville. He completed his residency in oral and
maxillofacial surgery at the Christiana Medical Center of Delaware
and his otolaryngology/head and neck surgery residency at the
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas
(Parkland Memorial Hospital) where he subsequently served on their
full-time faculty. He is board-certified in both disciplines. He is a
partner in the academically affiliated tertiary referral group, the
Head and Neck Surgical Associates (HNSA) of Portland, Oregon
where he practices head and neck oncologic surgery as well as oral
and maxillofacial surgery. He is an Affiliate Professor of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery at Oregon Health and Science University and
the University of Washington. He has published over 100 journal
articles and book chapters on his various areas of interest.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
Dr. Dierks reports no proprietary, financial or other personal interest of any nature
or kind in any product, service and or company that will be presented.

4:00 – 5:00 PM Thursday – 25 FEB 2016

Living with the legacy of dental amalgam

Dr. Nairn Wilson
London, United Kingdom

Dental amalgam has made an enormous contribution to oral health and
the clinical practice of dentistry over a period well in excess of 100
years. The legacy of the amalgam era includes the challenge of
ensuring ‘teeth for life’ for the aging ‘heavy metal generation’ and a
deeply ingrained mechanistic approach to operative dentistry. In
moving forward to embrace a patient-centred, preventatively
orientated, minimum intervention approach to operative dentistry, it is
essential to foster a positive attitude towards the development of the
post-amalgam era. The practice of dentistry without amalgam will be
different, as seen in amalgam free parts of the world, but with the
potential to better meet the future needs and expectations of existing
and new generations of patients.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To appreciate the enormous contribution dental amalgam has
    made to the provision of dental care and oral health over a period
    well in excess of 100 years
  2. To understand the legacy and diminishing role of dental amalgam
    in moving towards patient-centred, preventatively orientated,
    minimum intervention operative dentistry
  3. To stimulate a positive attitude towards the prospect of clinical
    practice without dental amalgam

Nairn Wilson, President of the British Dental Association, is honorary
Professor of Dentistry at King’s College London, where he was
Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Dean and Head of the College’s
internationally renowned Dental Institute between 2001 and 2012, and
Deputy Vice Principal (Health) between 2009 and 2012. Nairn’s many
other positions in dentistry have included Editor of the Journal of
Dentistry (1986-2000), Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (1995-1998), President of the
Academy of Operative Dentistry European Section (1998-2000),
President of the General Dental Council (1999-2003), Co-chair of the
Forum of European Heads and Deans of Dental Schools (2007- 2012)
and more recently Registrar of the UK Public Health Register (2012-
2015) and Professional Strategic Executive, European Federation of
Periodontology (2012 to date). His various honours and awards include
a Dentistry Lifetime Contribution Award, the Award of Excellence of
the Academy of Operative Dentistry European Section, and the John
Tomes Medal of the British Dental Association.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
Dr. Wilson reports no proprietary, financial or other personal interest of any nature
or kind in any product, service and or company that will be presented.

8:30 – 9:45 AM Friday – 26 FEB 2016

Paradigm Shifts Resulting from Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry and Bio-emulation

Dr. Pascal Magne
Los Angeles, California

How can science, common sense and experience in adhesive
dentistry generate revolutionary concepts to save tooth structure and
teeth? This presentation will describe innovative techniques
(immediate dentin sealing, deep margin elevation, additive luting
and others) but also explore the future of CAD/CAM dentistry and
“biologic restorations”.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the driving force behind biomimetic restorative dentistry
  2. Learn about new clinical techniques to improve tissue conservation and bonding
  3. Learn how CAD/CAM technique can be used “biomimetically”

Dr. Pascal Magne is an Associate Professor with Tenure and the
Don and Sybil Harrington Foundation Chair of Esthetic Dentistry in
the Division of Restorative Sciences, University of Southern
California, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA.

He graduated from the University of Geneva Dental School,
Switzerland, in 1989 with a Med. Dent. Obtained his Doctorate in
1992 and his Ph.D. degree in 2002. Dr. Magne received postgraduate
training in fixed prosthodontics and occlusion, operative
dentistry and endodontics, and was a lecturer at the same university
beginning in 1989 until 1997.

From 1997-1999, he was a Visiting Associate Professor at the
Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics,
University of Minnesota, School of Dentistry. Dr. Magne
returned to University of Geneva Dental School and assumed the
position of Senior Lecturer in the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics
and Occlusion until he was recruited to the University of Southern
California in February 2004.

He is a founding member of the Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry
and a mentor of the Bio-Emulation think-tank group. In 2012, he
launched a revolutionary approach to the teaching of Dental
Morphology, Function and Esthetics (the 2D/3D/4D approach) for
freshman students at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
Dr. Magne reports no proprietary, financial or other personal interest of any nature
or kind in any product, service and or company that will be presented EXCEPT
FOR authoring the book, “Bonded Porcelain Restoration” [Quintessence 2002], and
a series of Educational DVDs [Quintessence and GIDe]

10:15 – NOON Friday – 26 FEB 2016

Richard V. Tucker Lecture of Excellence

Myth of Anterior Guidance

Dr. John Kois
Seattle, Washington

An articulator has a limited ability to duplicate or mimic patient’s
functional movements. This creates a disadvantage for the laboratory
technician to provide a significant collaborative role. In addition, the
role of anterior guidance is an assumption based on the concept of
“Mutual Protection” not biology. The problem of resolving biological
concerns with mechanical solutions is not logical. When our patients
undergo mastication the guidance we create may overload the anterior
teeth leading to excessive friction, structural failure, tooth mobility,
spacing, and temporomandibular dysfunction. This lecture will explore
this paradox and develop better ways to reduce these risks by understanding
our individual patient’s masticatory system and provide better
communication keys to the laboratory.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the envelope of function specific to the patient being treated.
  2. Create the communication keys necessary for the laboratory technician.
  3. Material selection cannot overcome improper occlusal management.

Dr. Kois Received his D.M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania,
School of Dental Medicine and Certificate in Periodontal Prosthodontics
with a M.S.D. degree from the University of Washington,
School of Dentistry. He maintains a private practice limited to
Prosthodontics in Tacoma and Seattle and is an Affiliate Professor in
the Graduate Restorative Program at the University of Washington. Dr.
Kois continues to lecture nationally and internationally, is a reviewer
for many journals and is the co-Editor in Chief for The Compendium of
Continuing Education in Dentistry. Dr. Kois is the recipient of the
2002 Saul Schluger Memorial Award for Clinical Excellence in
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, and received a Lifetime
Achievement Award from both the World Congress of Minimally
Invasive Dentistry and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
Additionally, he is the recipient of the 2014 Dr. Thaddeus V. Weclew
Award. He is the past President of both the American Academy of
Restorative Dentistry and American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, he
continues to work with restorative dentists at the Kois Center, a didactic
and clinical teaching program.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
Dr. Kois reports no proprietary, financial or other personal interest of any nature or
kind in any product, service and or company that will be presented.

Stand-by Clinician

What’s New in Operative Dentistry in the Navy!

Myth of Anterior Guidance

Dr. Jeffery S. Nordin
North Chicago, IL

The Academy is grateful to Dr. Jeffery Nordin,
who is serving as stand-by clinician this year in
the event that another essayist cannot be present.

This course is designed to address some questions the general
practitioner may have with regards to the clinical application of
modern restorative materials, CAD CAM dentistry and current
caries prevention philosophies – especially as it relates to the
practice of Operative Dentistry in the US Navy. Some of our
patients have never been to the dentist. How do we treat some
of these restorative train-wrecks?

Learning Objectives:

  1. About the continued use of amalgam – Is composite resin
    the answer in all cases?
  2. How to restore the “bombed-out” tooth?
  3. How the Navy has integrated CAD/CAM dentistry,
  4. What the Navy’s current policy is on Caries Risk Management

Dr. Nordin was raised in Jamestown, NY and attended SUNY
at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine, receiving his DDS degree
in 1989. He went on to complete a Master’s in Operative
Dentistry and a certificate in Preventive Dentistry form the
University of Iowa in 2000. He also received his Board certification
from the American Board of Operative Dentistry in

Dr. Nordin is a CAPT in the United States Navy and formerly
served as the Navy Surgeon General’s Specialty Leader for
Operative Dentistry. He was also the chair, Department of
Operative Dentistry at the Naval Postgraduate Dental School in
Bethesda, MD. He is a member of the ADA, Academy of Operative
Dentistry; Board of Councilors for the American Board
of Operative Dentistry; Editorial Board for the Operative Journal
and the International College of Dentists.

Operative Dentistry, Inc. designates this activity for 1 continuing education credit.
Dr. Nordin reports no proprietary, financial or other personal interest of any nature
or kind in any product, service and or company that will be presented.

Table 1 [Sit-down]

Deborah Mc Edward
Burlington, VT


The National Dental Practice – Based Research Network and what it means for you

An overview of the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
including history and mission. Attendees will learn the basic requirements
to participate in the research process and learn about different study results.
Dental/Medical interaction to improve patient care will be discussed.

Learning Objectives:

  1. An overview of practice-base research,
  2. Studies in progress/results to date,
  3. How to be actively involved and participate

Table 2

Clyde Roggenkamp Loma
Linda, CA


American Academy of Gold Foil Operators

AAGFO membership is dedicated to direct gold as an alternative to other
materials that may have inferior clinical longevity. We take pride in offering
educational opportunities for practitioners, students and dental educators.
Annual meetings are held at dental schools and military clinics to promote
greater skill in the use of direct gold foil.

Table 3

ADA Student Research Award Winner

Title, Summary and Learning objectives will be
available at the table as this information was
not available at press time.

Table 4

Dr. Fernando J. Haddock
Augusta, GA


Effect of Matrix Band Placement on Thickness of
Bonding Agent in Class II Slot Preparations

One of the primary locations of failure of bonded composite restorations is
at the gingival margin of Class II preparations. Factors related to the
failure potential at this site remain undefined. This table clinic will provide
a concise review of considering the effect of matrix band placement during
various stages of restoring in interproximal box preparation on the thickness
of dentin bonding agent and thus the potential for failure in this location.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Statistics related to failures of Class II composites restorations,
  2. Possible clinical implications of placement of matrix band during the various stages of restoration,
  3. Potential methods of testing for differiences in thickness of bonding agent when restoring Class II lesions.

Table 5

Paula Ortega-Verdugo
Santiago CHL


Integrating the International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS) into clinical cases

This table clinic presents an overview of the clinical management of patients using the ICCMS. Different clinical cases will be reviewed to suggest
an appropriate, personalized, preventively based and minimally invasive caries disease treatment based on the patients at different levels of risk.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Present the new approach of dental caries disease management using the ICCMS,
  2. To differentiate between initial, moderate and extensive caries lesions
  3. To understand the importance of identifying a personalized tooth preserving treatment for patients

Table 6 [Sit-down]

Jim Erpenbach
Knoxville, TN


Cusp replacing stress reduced direct composite restorations

The perfect restoration is one that conserves as mush natural tooth structure
as possible while trying to reproduce it as close as possible to its
original form and function. This table clinic will demonstrate conservative
protocol for cusp replacement. The more compromise a tooth is, the more
conservative we should be.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Analysis of a structurally compromised tooth,
  2. Understanding of the Adhesive Equation of bond strength and stress reduction,
  3. 3. Protocol for a stress reduced direct composite cusp replacing restoration.

Table 7

Tracy a. D’Antonio
Mukwonago, WI


Esthetic blending – visual vs. Spectrophotometer data analysis
for different bevels in Class IV direct restorations

The use of bevels I anterior direct resin restorations has been advocated
for both improved retention and esthetics of Class IV restorations. Research
is available to support the retentive aspect of bevels, but there is
limited scientific evidence to support the esthetic need. This table clinic will
discuss the results of a pilot study done to determine which type of bevel
(out of 6 different types) is the most esthetic when used to restore class IV
restorations via clinical evaluation as well as spectrophotometric evaluation.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the length of bevel that is most clinically esthetic,
  2. Learn what finish line (straight/scalloped) is most esthetic,
  3. Define the correlation between the subjective and objective measurements of bevels

Table 8

Marillia M. Sly
Rio de Janeiro BRA


Utilizing CAD/CAM Technology to Overcome a Complex Restorative Clinical Case

This table clinic describes a multidisciplinary case consisting of restorative
dentistry, CAD/CAM technology and orthodontics. With the use of digital
technology the practitioner was able to overcome the presence of orthodontic
brackets for a diagnostic impression. The diagnostic wax-up was
scanned, cloned, and restorations were milled chair-side.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize potential clinical indications for CAD/CAM technology use,
  2. Describe how CAD/CAM technology can assist the practitioner in complex restorative cases,
  3. Identify the importance of a comprehensive treatment plan

Table 9

Abdullah M. Alshehr
Riyadh SAU


Diagnosis and Management of Superficial White Spot Lesions

The occurrence of clinically detectable localized areas of enamel demineralization,
observable as white spot lesions of different opacity can be a
significant concern to those who seek dental treatment for a solution. A
thorough understanding of the etiology and differential diagnosis of white
spot lesion is crucial for the success of treatment. Emphasis will be given
to proper diagnosis, treatment approach, treatment sequencing and material

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the differential diagnosis between various types of white spot lesions,
  2. List different treatment modalities for white spot lesions,
  3. Discuss the sequencing, advantages and limitations of different treatment options.

Table 10

Lillian Cheng
Taipei TWN


Fracture Resistance of Various CAD/CAM Onlay Restorations on Endodontically Treated Molars

It is a well-established theory that endodontically treated molars without
crowns fail at a much higher rate than teeth restored with full coverage
crowns. Studies have implied that a tooth treated by root canal therapy
should be restored with a type of coronal coverage restoration; minimally,
with a gold onlay. The use of bonded ceramic onlays restoring endodontically
treated molars will allow the remaining tooth structure to withstand
the masticatory force and to prevent the teeth from fracturing, so as to
enhance the longevity of the restored molars.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understanding the physical and mechanical properties for various ceramic materials in determining whether the material has potential for long-term success or failure,
  2. Setting up guidelines and considerations that should be addressed when restoring endodontically-treated molars with ceramic onlays,
  3. Being aware of and understanding current contemporary restorative options to allow for conservative tooth reconstruction for longevity, for functional and natural-looking outcomes.

Table 11

Spriha Modi
Los Angeles, CA


Evaluation of Proximal Contact Tightness and
Proximal Contact Adjustment in Indirect Restorations

This table clinic details the various methods to measure proximal contact
tightness in an attempt to determine optimum tightness post restoration. It
also enlist the methods to mark, and adjust the proximal contacts in an
indirect restoration viz. Gold, Ceramic and Screw Retained Implant Restorations
so as to achieve optimum proximal contact tightness.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Methods to evaluate the tightness of proximal contact areas in indirect restorations,
  2. Methods to mark the proximal contact areas in indirect restorations prior to adjustment,
  3. Methods to adjust the proximal contact areas in indirect restorations to establish adequate tightness

Table 12 [Sit-down]

John J. Bial
Bremerton, WA


A Perio-Biomimetic Protocol for the Treatment of Combined Miller Class I and Black Class V Lesions

This Table Clinic will introduce a new biomimetic protocol to reestablish
the correct crown to root ratio when gingival recession is diagnosed. By
combining the restoration and the periodontal surgery into the same appointment,
clinicians are able to restore the original biologic width.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Diagnosis of Class V lesions with attachment loss,
  2. Biomimetic restorative considerations for the Class V lesion,
  3. Periodontal surgical technique to cover an exposed root biologically

Table 13

Christine Khabbaz
Los Angeles, CA


Assessment of Composite Build-up Materials on Fracture Resistance of Ceramic Crowns

Various restorative build up procedures were used to develop proper
coronal foundations for debilitated posterior teeth. Numerous build up
materials and techniques including pins, grooves and slots were used in
the past for making cores on molar teeth to replace missing tooth structures.
The present study assesses materials and techniques to create core
foundations which preserved the intrinsic strength of the remaining tooth
structure and gave a more predictable final restoration.

Learning objectives:

  1. Better understanding of the pulp biology and the importance of preservation of tooth structure to develop a proper coronal
    foundation in order to hold a crown based on functional and longevity,
  2. The indications and contra-indications for pin placement. Why, when and
    how pins and peripheral shelves (steps). Have understanding of application
    of pin retention principles,
  3. Understanding types of pins and factors
    affecting retention and protection potential. (Design, channel configuration,
    depth of embedment, insertion techniques, number of pins and occlusal

Table 14

Watcharaphong Ariyakriangkai
Iowa City, IA


CAD/CAM ceramic laminate veneers: Fact and Myth

This table clinic shows a clinical case of CAD/CAM ceramic veneers in the
maxillary anterior region. Case selection, treatment planning, the work
flow of the digital designing process and the clinical protocol for cementation
will be presented. A step-by-step process is demonstrated along with
a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of CAD/CAM fabricated
ceramic veneers.

Learning objectives:

  1. Define cases for selection criteria Tx planning and design,
  2. Demonstrate a step-by-step procedure for fabrication,
  3. Discuss the benefits an challenges of CAD/CAM technology with regards to veneers

Table 15

Karine Barizon
Aurora, CO


Deep Caries Lesion: Take it or leave it?

Treating deep caries lesions is a paradigm shift. Regardless of the current
scientific evidence on the caries process supporting less invasive treatments,
there are disagreements in the amount and the quality of dentinal
tissue that should be removed before the tooth receives a final restoration.
This table clinic will present a clinical protocol to best treat the patients in
need and the scientific evidence behind the clinical decisions to treat deep
caries lesions.

Learning objectives:

  1. Present a clinical protocol to treat deep caries lesions,
  2. Discuss restorative materials and techniques to be used when treating deep carious lesions,
  3. Present current literature to support clinical decisions on conservative caries removal.

Table 16

Andres Alvarez
Miami, FL


A New arginine-based adhesive system with
anti-caries activity: preliminary data

This study is highly innovative because we have incorporated arginine into
an adhesive system. It is anticipated that arginine will be delivered at a
rate and concentration to exhibit anti-caries effects.

Learning Objectives:

  1. How arginine metabolism can be effective therapy to reduce caries,
  2. Synthesis and evaluation of the experimental etchand –rinse adhesive system,
  3. Assessment of the anti-caries activity of the arginine adhesive system

Table 17

Margaret Ames
Huntington, NY


Stress-reducing Restorative Protocol for Long-lasting,
Vitality-maintaining Direct Composites

A technique for restoring teeth while keeping all sound enamel and dentin
is presented. Caries Removal Endpoints are discussed. This is a timetested
technique which enhances bond strength and reduces the microgap
between restoration and tooth to less than 1 micron.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understanding a clinical protocol for restoring
    proximal walls to minimize effects of polymerization shrinkage and its
    subsequent negative effects,
  2. Understanding how to increase bond
    strengths to dentin following the enamel proximal surface build-up and the
    maturation of the bond to dentin,
  3. Proper placement of polyethylene fiber
    pieces to allow for flexibility of the restoration and stress relief

Table 18 [Sit-down]

Shiva Seyyadri
Kuwait City, KWT


The Evolution of Partial Coverage Ceramic Tooth Preparation Design

The modern preparation design for ceramic partial coverage restorations
will be re-evaluated. Is the trendy “V” shape onlay preparation design
really the most optimal configuration? Critical observations and recommendations
will be discussed.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To appreciate the evolutionary changes of ceramic
    partial coverage preparation design over time,
  2. To compare and contrast the traditional and the modern concepts of preparation design,
  3. Operative recommendations for clinical application.

Table 19

Colby S. Smith
Sacramento, CA


Microleakage Resistance and Film Thickness of
Cast Gold and various CAD/CAM Inlays

Describe an intracoronal extensive preparation for CAD/CAM inlays involving
part of the buccal and lingual cusps because of a large decay and
fracture of old restorations. Three CAD/CAM restorative materials were
used and cemented with three different luting cements to seal the margin.
All the restorations went through thermal cycle and staining process to
assess the interface microleakage of the CAD/CAM restorations in order
to preserve the remaining tooth structure and to provide more predictable
posterior ceramic restorations.

Learning Objectives:

  1. The application of digital dentistry in fabrication
    of CAD/CAM intracoronal restorations,
  2. To have a better understanding
    of the degree of interface microleakage and film thickness of several CAD/
    CAM materials and cast gold inlay restorations,
  3. Interpretation and assessment
    of the behavior of different CAD/CAM restorative materials
    cemented with various cements.

Table 20

Mohammad Atieh
Amman JOR


Accuracy Evaluation of Intra-oral Optical impressions:
A Novel Approach

Research findings of a novel approach for accuracy evaluation of IntraOral
Optical Impressions will be presented. Measure the accuracy
(trueness and precision) of optical impressions compared to PVS impressions

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review of the literature that pertains to the accuracy
    of optical impressions,
  2. Discuss research findings,
  3. Future directions and recommendations

Table 21

Nader Almubarak
Al-ahsa SAU

naderalmubarak@ gmail.com

Influence of three composite placement techniques on
microleakage in MOD Class II with different composite resins

The greatest limitation in the use of composite resins as a posterior restorative
material is the polymerization shrinkage. Studies have shown
that shrinkage of composite resins generate high stress level at the interface
of the restoration causing poor marginal seal, marginal discoloration,
cuspal deformation, post-operative sensitivity, and recurrent dental caries.
This in vitro study was to compare the influence of three composite placement
techniques to minimize the marginal leakage of MOD Class II with
four composite resins.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understanding the factors of polymerization
    shrinkage and polymerization stress,
  2. To give an overview of the different
    approaches currently available for direct placement of posterior composite
    resins in large Class II restorations,
  3. Distinguish what type of
    composite resin materials, that shrink less and consequently, cause less