2012 Annual Meeting
Academy of Operative Dentistry Program 2012
Date | Time | Event | Room |
Sunday – 2/26/2012 | 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM | RV Tucker Study Club Executive Meeting | Ontario Room, Westin |
4:15 PM – 5:30 PM | Operative Journal Board Meeting | Regent 1 | |
3:00 PM – 8:30 PM | Impromptu Meeting Room | Consulate 2 | |
5:30 PM – 9:00 PM | AOD Executive Council Meeting | Regent 1 | |
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM | AAGFO Executive Council Meeting | Windsor | |
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM | CAMBRA Meeting | Mayfair | |
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM | Scientific Sessions Committee | Consulate 2 | |
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM | Journal Editorial Board Meeting | Buckingham | |
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM | Registration | Coatroom | |
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM | Website Committee Meeting | Consulate 2 | |
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM | Founders Fund Trustees Meeting | Boardroom | |
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM | Research Committee Meeting | Regent 2 | |
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM | Hospitality Suite | 1400 | |
Date | Time | Event | Room |
Monday – 2/27/2012 | 7:00 AM – 8:30 PM | Impromptu Meeting Room | Consulate 2 |
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM | New Members’ Breakfast | Buckingham | |
7:00 AM – 4:30 PM | Registration | Coatroom | |
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM | Coffee, Tea and Rolls | Wellington Foyer | |
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM | Essay: McHorris | Wellington | |
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM | Essay: Kinzer | Wellington | |
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM | Refreshment Break | Wellington Foyer | |
10:45 AM – 11:50 AM | Essay, Buonocore: Wong | Wellington | |
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM | Luncheon/Hollenback Prize | Cotillion | |
1:45 PM – 2:45 PM | Essay: Phillips | Wellington | |
2:45 PM – 3:15 PM | Essay: Su | Wellington | |
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM | Essay: Brucia | Wellington | |
4:15 PM – 6:30 PM | C.O.D.E. Meeting | Buckingham | |
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM | Hospitality Suite | 1400 | |
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM | Gala Reception | Cotillion | |
Date | Time | Event | Room |
Tuesday – 2/28/2012 | 7:00 AM – 8:30 PM | Impromptu Meeting Room | Consulate 2 |
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM | Breakfast (Full Buffet) | Cotillion | |
7:40 AM – 8:00 AM | Annual Business Meeting | Cotillion | |
8:25 AM – 4:30 PM | Registration | Coatroom | |
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM | Essay, Tucker: Allan | Wellington | |
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM | Essay: Ochi | Wellington | |
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM | Refreshment Break | Wellington Foyer | |
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Essay: Snow | Wellington | |
12:10 PM – 1:40 PM | Luncheon/Award of Excellence | Cotillion | |
2:15 PM – 4:30 PM | Table Clinics | Wellington | |
2:15 PM – 4:30 PM | Corporate Exhibits | Wellington Foyer | |
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM | Hospitality Suite | 1400 | |
Date | Time | Event | Room |
Wednesday – 2/29/2012 | 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM | ABOD Executive Council Meeting | Boardroom |
9:00 AM – 10:15 AM | ABOD Breakfast | Michigan | |
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM | ABOD Annual Meeting | Michigan |
Essay Program
Monday February 27, 2012
8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.
William H. McHorris, B.S., D.D.S., F.A.C.D., F.I.C.D
“TMD Splints- When, Why & How”
The overwhelming majority opinions of TMD experts in well refereed dental journals agree that reversible conservative splint therapy should precede any irreversible treatments such as occlusal adjustments (equilibration) or invasive restorative procedures. In managing the patient suffering from a TMD problem, the choice of the type and design of occlusal orthotics (splints) is numerous. There are therapeutic splints, prophylactic splints, sleep apnea appliances, anterior positioning splints, full coverage splints and segmental splints.
Some advocates of certain types of splints boast of their ability to cure migraine headaches. This presentation will attempt to simplify the practitioner’s choice of a splint and its effect on the stomatognathic system. Patient compliance is of utmost importance during treatment. If the splint design results in better compliance, resolution of TMD problems can predictably be achieved. The clinician cannot stop patients from bruxing but with proper splint design the patient is put at a mechanical disadvantage and it significantly reduces their ability to hurt themselves during times of bruxing.
9:30 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.
Greggory A. Kinzer, D.D.S., M.S.D
“Managing Esthetics and Tooth Wear”
No single factor has as much influence on the long-term predictability of restorations as the occlusion. This is especially true with the increased use of all-ceramic restorations, and implants. In order to increase the predictability of the restorative treatment and reduce the potential for ceramic fractures, special attention needs to be given to the occlusal design. This presentation will address the envelope of function and discuss the three areas of occlusion that needs to be evaluated for every patient.
This presentation promises to provide practical information that can be taken back to the office and implemented. The information applies to the entire spectrum of restorative dentistry, whether the restoration is a single tooth or an entire arch.
Refreshment Break 10:30 – 11:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M. – 11:50 A.M.
David T. Wong DMD, DMSc – Memorial Buonocore Lecturer
“Saliva: The Next Diagnostic Frontier”
Saliva has long been considered a “mirror of the body” that reflects the state of a person’s overall health. A wide range of systemic diseases, such as diabetes and Sjögren’s syndrome, have oral manifestations that dentists can encounter in patients at various stages of disease development. Dentists are therefore ideally situated to monitor and treat oral disease progression, impaired salivary status, and various oral complications associated with systemic conditions. Advances in the science of salivary diagnostics will lead to identification of disease signature patterns of candidate biomarkers and/or confirmation of genetic susceptibility for some conditions.
The speed and scope of available tests are also likely to increase. As salivary diagnostic applications advance, dentists are encouraged to take leadership roles in integrating the tests and related technologies into clinical practice, consistent with the best available scientific evidence.
1:45 P.M. – 2:45 P.M.
Keith Phillips, DMD, MSD
“Patient Specific Planning for Esthetic Implant Outcomes”
The use of newer technologies such as cone beam imaging and computer assisted treatment planning can help us to better diagnose whether there is an adequate or inadequate situation for the proposed implant restoration. The determined plan can then be carried out with the use of computer generated surgical templates to idealize and simplify the surgical outcome. This presentation will demonstrate how the use of these technologies can help facilitate developing esthetic and functional implant supported prostheses.
2:45 P.M. – 3:15 P.M.
Huan “Todd” Su, DDS, MS
“Clinical implications of implant abutment/crown contour: critical contour and subcritical contour”
Adequately contoured implant restorations need to transition from the circumferential design of the implant head to a correct cervical tooth anatomy. Implant restorations have been described as overcontoured, flat, and undercontoured.
The concept of contour as originally adapted from tooth-supported restorations, needs to be redefined as it pertains to implant dentistry. Two distinct zones within the implant abutment/crown are defined as critical contour and subcritical contour The purpose of this lecture is to introduce the new concept and its impact to the peri-implant soft tissues and its clinical use.
3:15 P.M. – 4:15 P.M.
Jeff J. Brucia, D.D.S.
“Dental Materials Update 2012”
Frustrated with the unexpected failure. Wishing for greater predictability. The continuous changes in adhesive materials and techniques combined with the ever increasing demands for aesthetic restorations has made tooth colored dentistry a must have option for every treatment plan. The numerous choices in adhesive materials has confused the clinician as to what is best indicated in a given situation. Quality care demands continuous learning in the areas of material science and restorative technique.
Tuesday February 28, 2012
8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.
Randall J. Allan, B.Sc., D.M.D. – Richard V. Tucker Lecture of Excellence
“The Aesthetic 7/8 Cast Gold Crown: Oxymoron or Undiscovered Treasure”
This visually based clinical procedure presentation will demonstrate the specific design innovations and modifications, as developed by Dr. Richard V. Tucker, which has given operative dentistry a unique preparation for the restoration of extensively involved maxillary molar and premolar teeth. The aesthetic 7/8 cast gold crown creates less tooth destruction and provides equivalent ( and sometimes superior) aesthetics to conventional full coverage porcelain-fused-to-metal or all-ceramic restorations. The step-by-step procedure for preparation design and the indications for its use will be supported with clinical case examples.
Whereas many clinicians today may consider the term “aesthetic cast gold crown” to be an oxymoron, it is the intent of this presentation to show that through the use of Dr. Tucker’s techniques that is not the case and that, in fact, the aesthetic 7/8 cast gold crown is indeed an undiscovered operative dentistry treasure.
9:30 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.
Lane Ochi, D.D.S., F.A.C.D.
“Understanding Color and Shade Matching in Dentistry”
Color is an integral part of esthetic dentistry. If the color of a restoration is off, the mistake can be glaringly evident and the result is an unhappy patient. Most dental schools do not do an adequate job in teaching color theory. Color theory is a language that conceptually and perceptually describes the elements of color and their interactions.Unfortunately, understanding color is tricky. Slight variances in shade play with our eyes, our minds, and, ultimately, our dentistry. The illumination in the dental treatment room, optical illusions, color blindness, and fatigue are among the dental professional’s ongoing obstacles to successful shade matching. This presentation will attempt to enlighten the dentist and ceramist on the dimensions of color, the effect of metamerism and other phenomenon.
Fluent in the language of color, we can sharpen our perception of color, better understand existing color dynamics, make better predictions, and communicate more clearly about color.
Refreshment Break 10:30 – 11:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M. – 12:00 A.M.
Stephen R. Snow, D.D.S.
“Communicating With Digital Photography: Assessing Accuracy For Precision And Predictability”
Effective communication with restorative dentist, patients, laboratory technicians, and colleagues is critical for successful dental treatment in the contemporary dental practice. The use of digital photography to share visual information is indispensable for clarification and understanding.
Mastering control of the digitization of light is required for precision in the capturing and viewing color. Photography principles and computer strategies must be integrated in a coordinated workflow for repeatable and predictable results.
Presentation by Warren Johnson and Dick Tucker
What Can Gold do for You, and Your Patients
Warren Johnson
Dick Tucker
Dentists in the present world of dentistry are called upon to provide patient centric treatment requiring a vast array of treatment modalities. The dentist should select the best option for the patient, which best fits their particular situation. The finest application of the best treatment for the particular situation presented by the patient should be the obligation of each and every restorative dentist. The conservative cast gold restoration is often the treatment modality of choice for satisfying the needs of our patients. Therefore the technique, benefits, and
sheer joy of placing these fine, esthetic, functional, and long lasting cast gold restorations will be covered in great detail.
Learning Objectives
1. The participants will acquire an enhanced appreciation of the beauty and longevity provided by cast gold restorations.
2. The participants will learn the step, by step technique to produce a fine result, which they can routinely implement in their own offices.
3. Dentists who are already proficient in cast gold restorations will pick up a few new techniques to enhance their ability to treat their patients.
4. Dentists will be introduced to technical as well as visual acuity skills, which will enhance their use of other restorative materials.
Table Clinic Program
Seated Clinics
Conservative, Predictable Porcelain Veneers
A technique will be shown to place ceramic veneers using a conservative preparation into tooth enamel only. Exact color is achieved at the chair with no shade try-in needed, eliminating laboratory need for opaquing or custom coloring veneers. The original tooth color or discoloration is not a factor in determining proper final shade.
Michael Goldfogel
Englewood, Colorado
Prosthetic Design to Minimize Peri-Implant Disease Created by Dental Cements
Peri-implant disease in many cases can be related to dental cements and prosthetic design. The introduction of cement into subgingival tissues can be excluded utilizing esthetic screw retained restorations or custom abutments that eliminate the crown/abutment interface below gingiva. Additional prosthetic design modifications to abutments can reduce the need for adhesive cements and facilitate use of water soluble cements that aid in detection and removal of excess cement.
Tim Hess
Auburn, Washington
Maximize the Ability to Photo-cure Your Restorations – Real-time Training
The success of photo-cured, direct restorations depends on the operator’s ability to deliver sufficient levels of radiant energy. The output of curing devices does not tell it all, and with this hands-on clinic, the operator will visually see (in real-time) the effect of light unit selection, exposure time, as well as tip positioning on the potential for delivering sufficient light energy to maximize restoration cure.
Fred Rueggeberg
Augusta , Georgia
The tooth with advanced disease as a natural implant
Treatment decision-making involving a tooth having advanced caries often involves considerations from extensive intervention, which can include crown lengthening, endodontic therapy, post and core placement followed by full coverage, to extraction and implant placement. However, there is a third way. Using contemporary materials and techniques, this clinic will demonstrate how a tooth with extensive structural loss should be considered to be a natural implant, to be treated and retained using minimally-invasive direct restorative therapy based on robust adhesion.
Ivan Stangel
Bethesda, Maryland
Table Clinics
The Carolina Bridge
Restorative dentists are often challenged by clinical cases of missing single anterior teeth, either congenitally or due to trauma or extensive caries. The treatment options for replacing a missing single anterior teeth when the adjacent teeth are present and uncompromised are typically very involved and costly, including implant-supported prosthesis to fixed partial dentures. This table clinic presents indications, contraindications and limitations of an ultraconservative bonded bridge option, the Carolina Bridge, along with its different fabrication techniques.
Fernando Astrorga
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Introduction of the pre-formed tooth shaped matrix system
Dental composite restorations are very technique sensitive procedures but with proper selection of a matrix system, the clinician can address critical dental problems and achieve the desired esthetic outcome. This increased demand in esthetic excellence and the elimination of timely restorative procedures resulted in the development of a new pre-formed matrix system substituting the circumferential and sectional matrix systems.
Jason Brezovic
Bethesda, Maryland
Tooth Wear Opposing Ceramics
As a result of the extensive research in the past 3 decades, there are a number of all ceramic systems developed as alternatives for metal-supported crowns and bridges. In addition, new milling methods made it possible to have full contour zirconia restorations without veneering. However, little is known on how much damage these materials cause to the opposing enamel. This in vitro study mimics clinical situations where adjusted and unaltered monolithic zirconia restorations as well as feldspathic porcelain restorations and enamel to enamel wear are measured after fatigue loading in a chewing simulator.
Deniz Cakir-Ustun
Birmingham, Alabama
When will the paradigm shift Making sense of the medical Model
The medical model is a protocol for treating dental caries from a medical approach. First introduced by Anderson, the protocol today consists of six phases to treat caries in the earliest stages, in the most susceptible population, and reverse the process of demineralization. Treatment consists of bacterial control, reduction of risk levels for are risk patients, reversal of active sites by remineralization and follow-up maintenance.
William Dickson
Helotes, Texas
Ridge Augmentation Option for Anterior Esthetics
This table clinic will present examples and options of ridge augmentation for anterior esthetics. Specifically, hard and soft tissue augmentation. It will also include pontic design concepts and removable dental prosthesis considerations.
Michael DiFelice
San Antonio, Texas
Application of the Functionally Generated Path Technique in the Mandibular Arch
The functionally generated path (FGP) is a static representation of the opposing cusp’s centric and eccentric movements to achieve optimal articulation and occlusal harmony. The FGP technique is normally used in the fabrication of maxillary posterior indirect restorations, but is described and applied here in the fabrication of bilateral mandibular molar full-gold crowns in patient with bilateral group function occlusion.
Nicholas B. Duvall
Lackland AFB, Texas
Amalgam – A Proven Option for Cuspal Coverage Restorations
Amalgam is one of the oldest dental materials and has withstood the test of time. With proper mechanical retention and case selection, amalgam is an excellent option for cuspal coverage restorations and one should expect years of acceptable stability and function.
Derek Fagen
Rockville, Maryland
Current Teaching and Use of Glass Ionomers in North American Dental Schools
In fall 2010, a survey of the teaching and clinical applications of Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Materials in restorative dentistry was conducted by CODE. The results of this survey will be presented including: clinical instruction/application, products used and variations in manufacturer prescribed handling. Purpose: to inform dental educators and clinicians about contemporary uses of these versatile materials.
Kevin B Frazier
Augusta , Georgia
Working with Orthodontists in Esthetic Cases
This table clinic will present a clinical case that illustrates a successful interdisciplinary approach between the restorative dentist and the orthodontist to obtain the optimal esthetic and functional outcome. Principles of working with orthodontists in esthetic cases from restorative dentist’s perspective will follow the clinical case.
Julie Kim
Richmond, Virginia
“Renewing” Composite Resin Restorations: Indications and Techniques
Despite the number of factors contributing to a restoration’s success, secondary caries is the most common reason cited for the replacement of dental restorations. This broad and subjective diagnosis will often lead to the replacement of the entire restoration. This table clinic outlines a set of criteria and clinical techniques for the repair of composite resin restorations.
Eric Levine
Baltimore, Maryland
SonicFil, A better way to bulk fill Posterior Composites
Sonicfil is an innovative method of restoring posterior teeth that allows the bulk cure of posterior composites with minimal to no voids.
Khon Lien
Perry Hall, Maryland
The 3-piece Cast Analysis
The 3-piece cast analysis is used in Prosthodontics as a means to demonstrate whether a patient with a CR-MIP discrepancy can be equilibrated to mutually protected articulation, prior to performing irreversible treatment on the patient. Sectioning the maxillary cast into three pieces allows the removal of the posterior segments, essentially performing an instant equilibration to see if anterior coupling can be achieved without altering the occlusal vertical dimension. Re-inserting and equilibrating the posterior segments reveals the extent of enameloplasty that would be necessary, providing a visible guide to use for intraoral adjustment and allowing the clinician to decide whether complete occlusal equilibration is reasonable.
Todd Lincoln
San Antonio, Texas
Esthetic Restorative Challenges in Treatment of Severe Hypomineralization from Vitamin D Deficient Rickets
The purpose of this table clinic is to discuss the oral manifestation of MIH and discuss management and treatment of those conditions. Additionally, a case presentation of the restorative treatment of a patient with sever molar incisal hypomineralization (MIH) due to history of Vitamin D deficient Rickets is included.
Thu N. Luu
Kensington, Maryland
Repair or replacement of defective composite restorations? Results of an international survey of dental school teaching programmes
Advances in dental materials science as well as improved scientific understanding of the management of dental caries supports the use of localized restoration repair techniques, in preference to total restoration replacement for the management of defective restorations. In 2010/11, we surveyed the teaching of repair techniques for the management of defective direct composite restorations in US, Canadian, Irish, United Kingdom, German, Scandinavian (Norway, Sweden, Denmark) and Japanese dental schools. The aim of this Table Clinic is to report the findings of these international surveys.
Chris Lynch
Cardiff, United Kingdom
Multidisciplinary approach of a complicated crown-root fracture
This case report illustrates the multidisciplinary management of a complicated crown-root fracture of a maxillary permanent incisor in a 12-year-old child using localized CBCT.
Hiroko Nagaoka
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
When and how to crown lengthen
This table clinic reviews biological width and provides the rationale, indications and contraindications for performing a crown lengthening procedure. It will also describe how any general dentist can perform a crown lengthening procedure and restoration during the same treatment visit.
Christopher Scott Nuttall
San Antonio, Texas
Dual Mounting Technique
Dual Mounting Technique: a demonstration of mounting a set of casts in MIP and CR to evaluate a patient’s occlusion in both interocclusal relationships without the need for duplicating casts or second impressions.
Inaam Pedalino
San Antonio, Texas
Sonic Crown Prep Refinement
The table clinic will be a review of the pros and cons of using a sonic crown prep refinement instrument in practice.
Justin L. Rogers
Bethesda, Maryland
Repair Vs replacement of Faulty Restorations: Is Repair a Viable Treatment Modality
The purpose of this table clinic is to review the literature concerning repair versus replacement of faulty restorations and to present a case study with a current method for repair.
Blake Rosacker
Bethesda, Maryland
A Simple Yet Effective Approach to Ensure Esthetic Results in Restoring Carious Anterior Teeth
Incomplete Removal of affected dentin during cavity preparation of a carious incisor, will lead to an unesthetic result, usually manifesting as a gray line or dark halo seen through the labial enamel. Removing decayed and affected dentin completely in carious anterior teeth is thus crucial to make the final composite restoration look natural and esthetic. This presentation will show how placement of a cotton pellet at the cavity, can help assess adequate removal of discoloured tooth structure during cavity preparation, to ensure excellent esthetic results in direct composite restorations
Armin Segarra
Manila, Philippines
Predictable Composite Resin Restoration of cervical Lesions Utilizing the Cervical Fence Technique
This table clinic will provide a simple and esthetic technique to restore cervical lesions with composite resin. A small modification of your typical straight transparent matrix will create proper sub-gingival margins and contours. You will shorten your chair time and achieve good results with this technique.
Yuichiro Shimizu; Shintaro Ogawa
Tokyo, Japan
Canine Substitution for Congenitally Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Treatment of missing lateral incisors is often challenging from a restorative standpoint. Careful treatment planning is important in order to avoid a compromised outcome and achieve the best esthetic and functional results. This table clinic will discuss the treatment options for canine substitution with emphasis on patient selection criteria and limitations.
Laurie St-Pierre
Iowa City, Iowa
Understanding Nuances in the Use of Resin Cements: Classification, Indications and Guidelines for Practical Use
This presentation outlines the different types of resin cements currently available and will discuss the uses and limitations of each. Current issues such as pre-treatment of bonding substrates, cement-adhesive incompatibilities, differences in bond strength, and post-operative sensitivity will be discussed and illustrated as well as cementation techniques for the different types of indirect restorations.
Michelle Sunico Segarra
Manila, Philippines
Enamel paste in the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity
Many of the treatments available for dentin hypersensitivity (DH) relief the symptoms in a temporary form, and some does not involve a readily available easy to use route of treatment. An innovative paste was developed in this study using enamel crystals to obstruct the patent ‘wet’ dentinal tubules (short term relief of DH), and release ions (F, Ca, PO4) which aids in forming a mineralized barrier (long term relief of DH).
Sahar Taha
Amman, Jordan
Gold Foil in Everyday Practice
The purpose of this table clinic is to demonstrate the use of gold foil as a treatment option for pits and fissure decay. Participants will have the opportunity to place EZ Gold in ivorine teeth that have been prepped for an occlusal restoration.
Janet Zinter
Brattleboro, Vermont