2011 Annual Meeting
2011 Annual Meeting Program
- President’s Message
- Registration
- Committee Meetings Schedule – 2011
- Essay Program Schedule – 2011
- Table Clinic Program
- Corporate Exhibits
- Officers 2010 – 2011
- Trustees of Founders Fund
- Committees 2010 – 2011
- Journal of Operative Dentistry
- Award of Excellence Recipients
- Hollenback Memorial Prize Recipients
- Presidents of The Academy
- Secretaries of The Academy
- Treasurers of The Academy
- Confirmed Future Meeting Date
- Continuing Education Credit
President’s Message
I am pleased to welcome each of you to the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Operative Dentistry. I have been a member of the Academy since I was a pup. From the beginning, the thing I enjoyed most about the meeting was the friendliness and inclusive feeling that the “seasoned” members offered to the newer guests and members.
It is still what I most enjoy about the meeting to this day. As we continue to evolve as an academy, we are privileged to have more and more guests and members from countries outside the United States. It is important that they feel the same Chicago welcome that I have cherished for so many years. Please make it a priority this year to meet and develop friendships with our international guests and members. It is a privilege to serve as President of the Academy of Operative Dentistry. However, it is not the President that makes this Academy such a success. As it is in most organizations, there is a cadre of workers, behind the scenes, that quietly makes it all happen. There are three primary worker bees that must be acknowledged: Dr. Rich Stevenson, secretary, Dr. Greg Smith, assistant secretary, and Dr. Joel Wagoner, treasurer. These three gentlemen spend a tremendous amount of time working throughout the year, to make this a premier academy. Please take the opportunity during the meeting to thank each of them for their service to our academy and to dentistry.
On behalf of the Academy, I would like to extend my congratulations to the 2011 Hollenback Prize Recipient, Dr. John Burgess. My friendship with John goes back many years to our Air Force days, and I can think of no individual more deserving of this award than John. Congratulations as well to Dr. Mike Cochran who is the recipient of the Award of Excellence. Mike recently completed his tenure as Editor of our Journal.
Through his leadership and vision, the Journal of Operative Dentistry has become one of the premier dental journals in the World.
I am very excited about the scientific program that Dr. Jim Summitt has organized for our meeting. In addition, Dr. Paul Hasegawa has assembled a wonderful variety of table clinics for the second day of our program. We have all of the required ingredients to make this the best ever annual meeting of Academy of Operative Dentistry. Please take all that the meeting has to offer and then find a way to give some back to our Academy and to our beloved profession.
J. William Robbins, DDS, MA
Pre – registered members and guests may pick – up registration packets at the “PRE – REGISTERED GUESTS” desk.
Members and guests who have not pre – registered will please register in the same room but at the area identified by signs as “ON – SITE REGISTRATION”.
Committee Meetings Schedule – 2011
February 23, 2011
7:45 AM – 9:00 AM
Operative Journal Board Meeting
Ambassador Room, 2nd Floor
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Impromptu Meeting Room
Regal Room Level B-2
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Academy of Operative Dentistry Executive Council Meeting
Ambassador Room, 2nd Floor
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
American Board of Operative Dentistry Executive Council Meeting
Chancellor Room, 3rd Floor
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
American Board of Operative Dentistry Luncheon
State Room, 2nd Floor
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
American Board of Operative Dentistry Annual Meeting
Chancellor Room, 3rd Floor
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
American Academy of Gold Foil Operators Executive Council Meeting
Embassy Room, 2nd Floor
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
CAMBRA Meeting
Ambassador Room, Second Floor
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Scientific Sessions Committee Meeting
Diplomat Room, 3rd Floor
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Journal Editorial Board Meeting
State Room, 2nd Floor
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Website Committee Meeting
Diplomat Room, 3rd Floor
4:15 PM – 5:45 PM
Founders’ Fund Trustees Meeting
State Room, 2nd Floor
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Research Committee Meeting
Diplomat Room, 3rd Floor
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Academy of R.V. Tucker Study Clubs Executive Council Meeting
Embassy Room, 2nd Floor
Essay Program Schedule – 2011
February 24, 2011
8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.
Dentofacial Diagnosis – Asking the Right Questions
Dr. J. William Robbins
San Antonio, Texas
Traditional diagnosis and treatment planning of the dental patient is only effective for single tooth dentistry. Historically, treatment questions were answered using mounted study casts, in conjunction with clinical charting which consisted of restorative, pulpal, periodontal, occlusal, and radiographic data. Although these data are still essential, none of this information provides a starting place for treatment planning the complex restorative patient. This lecture will present a systematic approach to dentofacial diagnosis with a new set of questions.
Learning Objectives
1. The attendee will be able to describe four “Global Diagnoses”.
2. The attendee will be able to list the five “CORE Questions”.
3. The attendee will be able to discuss treatment options for each “Global Diagnosis”.
The Buonocore Memorial Lecture
9:30 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.
Advancing Science: Its Current and Future Impacts on Dentistry
Subtitle: Be Like Mike
Dr. Max Anderson
Sequim, Washington
All branches of science are exploding with new knowledge. Dental researchers are participating in and co – opting these developments across the world. Whether that new knowledge is in the areas of dental materials science – biological sciences – computer sciences – health care research – or the development of new practice principles and policies – our knowledge base is expanding exponentially.
This presentation is limited to biologic advances, and their immediate and probable future impacts on dental practice, research and policy making.
The goal of this presentation is to have us all “Be like Mike.” That is, for us all to adopt the “open mindedness” of Dr. Michael Buonocore and be able to assess the new scientific developments for their applicability to the clinical, research and policy decisions that we make.
Learning objectives
1. The attendee will understand the several overarching medical / dental research agendas at the US national and world levels.
2. The attendee will be able to discuss some of the connections between advancing science and policy making in health care (including dentistry).
3. The attendee will be able to anticipate and objectively assess practice changes based on new and sometimes “disruptive” science and health care policy.
Refreshment Break 10:30 – 10:55 A.M.
10:55 A.M. – 11:45 A.M.
Everyday Esthetics with Direct Composite Resin
Dr. Robert Margeas
DesMoines, Iowa
This lecture is designed for today’s esthetically minded, real – world dentist and staff who need to be efficient to be profitable. Numerous cases utilizing direct composite resin will be shown step by step. These include class IV restorations, diastema closures, and direct veneers. You will gain an understanding of resins that can offer an alternative procedure to porcelain. The techniques are minimally invasive, yet highly esthetic and long lasting.
Learning Objectives
1. The attendee will learn a free hand technique for diastema closures.
2. The attendee will increase knowledge of layering of composites for natural esthetics.
3. The attendee will learn finishing and polishing techniques that can mimic nature.
1:40 P.M. – 2:40 P.M.
Abfractions: Reality or Myth?
Dr. Harald O. Heymann
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
This presentation will provide a provocative and controversial look at the area of non – carious cervical lesions, concentrating on the concept of abfractions. Studies have shown that teeth experience flexural deformation during parafunction. This presentation will critically examine the effects of tooth flexural biodynamics as well as other contributing co – variables in the complex etiology of non – carious cervical lesions. Do abfractions really exist? You decide.
Learning Objectives
1. The attendee will be able to identify the various etiologic factors and their relative importance in the etiology of non – carious lesions, including abrasion, erosion and tooth flexure.
2. The attendee will be able to describe the various biomechanical phenomena and pre – disposing factors that support the role of tooth flexure in the etiology of non – carious cervical lesions.
3. The attendee will be able to discuss the findings of related research from in – vitro, clinical and epidemiological studies with regard to the etiology of non – carious cervical lesions.
2:40 P.M. – 3:40 P.M.
Adhesive Dentistry: Is Newer Always Better?
Gerard Kugel DMD, MS, PhD
Boston, Massachusetts
There is a plethora of bonding agents on the market. The average dentist is often overwhelmed by the choices. Many times one material offers little advantage over another. However, as the push for improved esthetics continues to grow, so will our list of materials. This lecture reviews new materials and techniques in an effort to improve our treatment outcomes. As dentists we must not only rely on the materials but on our own ability to treatment plan and diagnose based on a multifactorial situation as well as being meticulous in our bonding techniques. Failures in dentistry are frequently blamed on the materials. In reality, “user error” is often the culprit. Interpreting the research data and understanding our options based on the patients’ caries risk status are the first steps toward success.
Topics covered will include: advantages & disadvantages of the different generations of bonding; liners; layering techniques; avoiding post – operative sensitivity; research data; and 6th and 7th generation bonding systems, are they really better?
Learning Objectives
1. The attendee will learn improved bonding techniques.
2. The attendee will learn how to avoid post – op problems.
3. The attendee will receive a review of recent bonding data.
Special Panel Discussion –
Featuring Drs. Margeas, Heyman, and Kugel
3:40 P.M. – 4:10 P.M.
Moderated by Dr. Thomas Hilton and Dr. Paul Hasegawa
Five minutes prior to the end of Drs. Margeas, Heyman, and Kugel’s presentations, attendees may submit written questions on supplied cards for consideration of inclusion for this panel discussion.
February 25, 2011
8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.
Intra – oral Repair of Direct and Indirect Esthetic Restorations
Dr. Nasser Barghi
San Antonio, Texas
Today, adhesive dentistry encompasses a much broader scope than bonding to tooth structure. The durability of a composite – to – porcelain bond is well documented, and extensive in – vitro studies support bonding aged composite resin. Data on zirconia primers are indeed promising. These developments allow dentists to perform limited intraoral repair of esthetic restorations with a certain degree of predictability. To be included in this presentation: intraoral repair of cohesively and adhesively fractured bonded ceramic restorations; bonding to aged composite resin; refurbishing existing bonded composite resin restorations; status of zirconia primers for intraoral repair of failed CAD/CAM restorations; and expectations and outcomes of intraoral repairs.
Learning Objectives
1. The attendee will gain increased knowledge and appreciation of the effectiveness of intraoral repair techniques for esthetic restorations.
2. The attendee will gain increased knowledge of the science that supports intraoral repair techniques.
9:30 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.
Loupe Magnification and Illumination
Dr. Michael A. Mansueto
San Antonio, Texas
A review of optical principles in loupe magnification will be presented. The use of loupes in support of operator posture will be strongly reinforced. The benefits of coaxial supplemental illumination will be discussed.
Learning Objectives
1. The attendee will understand the benefits of each major classification of loupes magnification.
2. The attendee will appreciate the ergonomic benefits provided by loupes magnification.
3. The attendee will be able to test if currently – used loupes are properly fitted to the operator.
Refreshment Break 10:30 – 10:55 A.M.
The Richard V. Tucker Lecture of Excellence
11:00 A.M. – 12:00 A.M.
Commerce vs Care: The Ethics of Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry in a Cheaters’ World
Dr. Richard Simonsen
Glendale, Airizona
Dentists in practice have a difficult balance with one foot in the business world and one foot in the healthcare world. At some time, every clinician has to make a choice whether to pursue the path towards excellence in clinical care with concomitant health benefits for patients; or the path towards maximizing practice income, sometimes at the expense of the ethical standards of the clinician and the profession. This presentation will discuss the recent trend towards creating the perfect “smile,” sometimes with full mouth reconstruction based on shaky science. Is it appropriate for general practitioners to treat full – mouth reconstruction cases without additional training beyond a weekend course? When is referral to a specialist ethically required? What constitutes appropriate training and which unaccredited institutions practice evidence – based treatment? Is it a surprise that we are seeing such ethical lapses in our profession when society is experiencing so many cheaters among our supposed role models? The ethical responsibility of the profession towards patient treatment will be discussed.
Learning Objectives
1. The attendee will be able to define overtreatment.
2. The attendee will be able to define the difference between informed consent and induced consent.
3. The attendee will be able to discuss ethics and professional responsibility.
Stand – by Clinician
The Academy is grateful to Dr. Edward Wright, who is serving as stand – by clinician this year in the event that another essayist cannot be present.
Assessing Orofacial Pain
Dr. Edward F. Wright
San Antonio, Texas
This presentation provides knowledge of how to distinguish among the various types of orofacial pains. Since referred pain is very common within the oral cavity, head, and neck regions, clinical exam techniques and referred pain maps are used to instruct practitioners on how they can locate the true source(s) for a patient’s pain. Since sinus pain may cause or contribute to tooth, TMD, and neck pain, potential medication choices are provided that may temporarily reduce the sinus pain, enabling the practitioner to identify the sinus’s contribution to the pain complaint. An explanation for how TMD and neck disorders may cause or contribute to a headache complaint and a recommendation for when to treat the TMD and/or neck disorder for the headache complaint are provided.
Learning Objectives
1. The attendee will understand how referred pain patterns may be used to help determine whether a patient’s perceived pain is coming from a different location.
2. The attendee will realize how local anesthetic challenges may be used to identify a patient’s true source of pain.
3. The attendee will understand how to integrate TMD and cervical spine therapies with the treatment of headaches.
Table Clinic Program
Seated Clinics
A logical approach to occlusal equilibration.
There are many ways that occlusal equilibration has been taught. This table clinic will describe and illustrate a logical, predictable approach that can be easily incorporated into all levels of dental practice.
Mike Rasich
Vancouver, BC
Determination and communication of restorative goals in multidisciplinary treatment of the maxillary anterior sextant.
A successful result of multidisciplinary treatment of esthetic cases relies on precise communication of proposed tooth location, form and proportion. This task may be daunting to the restorative dentist because he/she must first develop precise subjective and objective outcomes related to the esthetic end point. Utilizing the concept that beauty is proportionally symmetrical simplifies this process and helps the restorative dentist manage these complex cases.
Davie S Weldon
Sterling, VA
Do we need amalgam anymore?
The use of dental amalgam has greatly decreased and has even been condemned in current dental practices. This interactive audience response device presentation will sample and present viewer attitudes, and will discuss the pros and cons of amalgam’s future in operative dentistry. Possible alternatives for amalgam will be reviewed along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Supitcha Talungchit
Gerald Denehy
Iowa City, IA
Supitcha – talungchit@uiowa.edu
Digital Dental Photography: Making it simple
Many options exist for getting into a digital camera set – up for dental photography. Many of us have had film cameras for this purpose in the past and may be apprehensive to make the step into the digital world. The cost and perceived complexity of the digital systems may seem daunting at first. I will show how to make it simple by reviewing the available systems, where and how to buy them, and give some basic guidelines for setting the cameras for great photos and almost point – and – shoot simplicity. I will also give guidance on how to organize and store the photos you take.
Charlie Young
Seattle, WA
Table Clinics
Highly esthetic composite restorations for the non – artistic dentist.
This table clinic reviews and demystifies the concepts behind layering techniques and presents a comprehensive protocol to make highly esthetic restorations simple yet predictable.
Luis Sensi
Gainesville, FL
lsensi@dental.ufl.edu / luis_sensi@hotmail.com
A clinical protocol for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth in the posterior area.
This table clinic presents a new protocol for the restoration of structurally compromised endodontically treated teeth. The protocol is based on both a stress – reduced and fiber – reinforced composite technique.
Simone Deliperi
Cagliari, Italy
Evaluating surface treatment of chairside CAD/CAM restorations.
Milled restorations may be polished for esthetic reasons; however, the elimination of flaws to ceramic surfaces may enhance the material strength and reduce wear to opposing dentition. This table clinic demonstrates the effectiveness of chairside polishing techniques.
Eric Levine
Baltimore, MD
Adhesion to zirconium oxide: Is it real and is it needed?
This table clinic will review current literature on the feasibility and techniques of bonding to zirconium oxide. A variety of surface modifications, primers and luting materials have been suggested. The necessity and reliability of these techniques will be explored.
Richard Trushkowsky
Staten Island, NY
Methods to ensure ideal tooth reduction for restoring maxillary anterior teeth.
Proper reduction of tooth structure in restoring maxillary anterior teeth is essential for success. Several methods for ensuring appropriate tooth preparation will be discussed including the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Christopher Podlin
San Antonio, TX
Total – etch or self – etch: The present and future status of dental adhesive systems.
Clinical situations and desired tooth preparations contribute to the choice of the proper dental adhesive. Total – etch adhesive systems offer advantages and present certain challenges. New dental adhesive systems are aiming to answer these challenges.
Michael Goldfogel
Englewood, CO
Direct fabrication method of anterior CEREC restorations.
Anterior single tooth CAD/CAM restorations present some challenging aspects regarding shade matching and anatomy. This table clinic will present a clinical technique to satisfy patients’ esthetic demands in anterior single tooth restorations.
Yasushi Mitarai
Hidehiko Watanabe
Lincon, NE
The matrix metalloproteinase controversy: What’s the true story?
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP’s) hydrolyze collagen in the extracellular matrix of dentin when exposed to etchant during adhesive restorative procedures resulting in breakdown of the hybrid layer. Studies disagree as to the strength of the etchant required for hydrolysis of the collagen to occur. Inhibitors can be added to cut dentin to prevent breakdown of the hybrid layer during restorative procedures.
Joshua Henson
Rockville, MD
Self adhesive flowable composites.
This table clinic will discuss the features and possibilities of a new type of flowable composite, particularly characterized for bonding directly to tooth structure without the use of adhesives.
Gilberto Henostroza
Lima, Peru
The role of casein phosphopeptides stabilized amorphous calcium phosphate in the remineralization of dental carries.
The purpose of this table clinic is to introduce casein phosphopeptides stabilized amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP – ACP) and to describe its role in dentistry. Another goal is to explain how it can be clinically used to remove areas of demineralization on teeth.
Jeremy Hayes
Rockville, MD
Fabrication of a core using an interim shell matrix.
The “shell technique” is a useful tool for placing a core to fit your crown preparation. This technique is valuable as the first step in restoring a tooth with limited remaining tooth structure, especially in a previously endodontically treated tooth. By using this technique, the tooth will have a “shaped” core and an interim restoration that will require minimal preparation refinement prior to making the final impression.
Nathan Krivitzky
San Antonio, TX
Using a digital impression technique for fabricating a custom implant abutment.
In the recent past when restoring an implant, the clinician was limited in the methods available in fabricating a custom abutment. A new method for creating a digital impression for fabricating a custom abutment is now available. This presentation will discuss and illustrate the advantages of this new technology.
Hong Baker
Lackland AFB, TX
Diagnosing and treating a loose implant supported crown.
With dental implants becoming a more and more popular restorative option, the potential for implant problems is also on the rise. A loose implant supported crown can present a treatment challenge. The steps in recognizing and treating this situation including the use of an interim abutment and crown before the placement of the final restoration will be discussed and illustrated.
Mark Henderson
San Antonio, TX
Using sectional matrix systems with posterior composite resin restorations.
Direct posterior composite restorations for treating class II carries are becoming increasingly popular. However, achieving acceptable interproximal contacts can be extremely challenging. This presentation will examine the techniques and methods, particularly the use of sectional matricies, to achieve optimal interproximal contacts.
Kurtis Kobes
San Antonio, TX
The skinner vertical movement stress breaker for distal extension removable partial dentures.
The abutment teeth being anterior to the denture base area characterize the Kennedy type 1 classification of partial dentures. The distal extension removable partial denture has inherent problems of retention and stability, affecting not only the integrity of denture bearing tissues but the teeth and associated structures as well. This table clinic examines the problems inherent in distal extension partial dentures and discusses an alternative design to address those problems.
Kyle Schulz
Pueblo, CO
Increasing the longevity of direct restorations by minimal intervention: Current evidence and techniques
This table clinic will review current evidence related to indications and effectiveness of alternative treatments to replacement of defective direct restorations (amalgam or resin – based composite). Recommendations on determination of treatment strategies and appropriate application of different clinical techniques will be presented.
M. Julie Kim
Deborah Cobb
Iowa City, IA
myungjoo – kimuiowa.edu
The use of paper discs in finishing and polishing of restorations.
This table clinic will discuss the rationale and demonstrate the techniques for using various paper discs to finish and polish most direct and indirect restorations. These discs can be used to obtain smooth margins, proper contours and polished surfaces that are difficult to achieve using other techniques.
Warren Johnson
Seattle, WA
Minimally invasive dentistry approach among a group of general dental practitioners in the United States.
This table clinic will examine if minimally invasive dentistry is considered to meet the standard of care, if its concepts being accepted and the factors associated with its acceptance among health clinic – based general dental practitioners in the United States.
Deise Oliveira
John Warren
Justine Kolker
Steve Levy
Iowa City, IA
Deise – oliveira@uiowa.edu
Ridge preservation: The why and how.
As implant placement has evolved into the standard of care, the need for preserving alveolar bone and the residual ridge has become more critical. Ridge preservation can vary greatly, from graft material to technique, but it is a procedure that all dentists should be familiar with for their patients’ benefit and improved implant success. This presentation will discuss and illustrate multiple techniques of ridge preservation for common clinical situations.
Nathan Schwamburger
Helotes, TX
Direct composite veneers: Clinical applications and techniques.
As with any dental procedure, there are certain indications for the use of direct composite veneers. Every practitioner has his/her technique for successfully diagnosing the need for and placing direct composite veneers. This presentation illustrates a simple technique that has shown proven success in the restoration of maxillary anterior teeth with direct composite resin.
Rian Suihkonen
San Antonio, TX
Are you treating your restorations?
Advancements in resin cements have led to reliable bonding of restorative material to tooth structure when proper surface treatment of the restoration has been performed. Additional bond strength can be achieved with tin plating, silicate coatings, and silane application. All dentists should be aware of the indication for and steps required for these surface treatments.
Jayson Huber
Rockville, MD
Diagnostic steps to successful diastema closure.
Simple yet high quality presentation of the proposed treatment plan is essential in our highly appearance oriented society. This table clinic will describe essential diagnostic steps to successful diastema closure with direct composite restorations. Special emphasis will be give to the fabrication of a new indirect mock – up technique using a polyvinylsiloxane model.
So Ran Kwon
Gerald Denehy
Iowa City, IA
Soran – kwon@uiowa.edu
Contribution of L*, a* and b* to the overall color change of light – activated resin composite systems.
Understanding the relative contribution of each of the parameters L*, a* and b* to the overall color change of current resin restorative materials can significantly assist clinicians in the shade selection and planning of direct restorative procedures.
Camila Sabatini
Buffalo, NY
Relationship between caries – affected – dentin mineral density and microtensile bond strength.
Minimally invasive dentistry has become more popular due to the conservative approach and the use of composite resin, which provides excellent esthetic results. Dental caries is the most frequent substrate that presented in restorative dentistry; therefore, it is important that we understand its physical properties and mechanism of adhesion. This table clinic will focus on the relationship between caries – affected – dentin mineral density and microtensile bond strength.
Savitri Vaseenon
Iowa City, IA
Savitri – vaseenon@uiowa.edu
American Academy of Gold Foil Operators: Gold Foil In Today’s Practice.
The purpose of this table clinic is to show how gold foil fillings can add to your operative skills.
Marc Tollefson
Tacoma, WA
American Board of Operative Dentistry Certification Program
The American Board of Operative Dentistry Certification Program consists of a series of three examinations (written, clinical, oral). The goal of the certification program is to enhance the quality of operative dentistry in practice, research and education. Candidates who successfully complete all three phases of the examination process are awarded the Certificate of Proficiency in Operative Dentistry in recognition of their demonstrated excellence in Operative Dentistry.
Student Table Clinic Winner
Olga Isyutina
Corporate Exhibits
As a service to our attendees again this year, your Executive Council has decided to allow a small number of commercial exhibits in a reserved area during the Table Clinic Program on Friday afternoon. These exhibitors are supporters of theAcademy’s Annual Meeting and several have affiliate members on our rolls. We welcome them and are grateful for their support and presence.The Corporations which have tables/displays this year are listed on the announcement board at the entrance to the ballroom at the time of the Table Clinic session on Friday afternoon.Back to Top
Officers 2010 – 2011
PRESIDENTDr. J. William Robbins
Dr. James B. Summitt
San Antonio, TexasVICE-PRESIDENT
Dr. Paul Hasegawa
Seattle, Washington
Dr. Richard G. Stevenson III
Los Angeles, California
Dr. Joel Wagoner
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Dr. Gregory E. Smith
Gainesville, Florida
Dr. Frederick Eichmiller
Mosinee, Wisconsin
Dr. Eben A. DeArmond, Jr. – 2010
Dr. Thomas J. Hilton – 2010
Dr. Christopher Griffin – 2011
Dr. Timothy Toepke – 2011
Dr. Juliana Da Costa – 2012
Dr. Richard D. Tucker – 2012
Trustees of Founders Fund
Dr. Marty Anderson – Chair 2014Dr. Rusty Morris – Sec/Treas 2013
Dr. Anna Hampel – 2011
Dr. Bill Hawkins – 2012
Dr. Susanne Grennell – 2015Back to Top
Committees 2010 – 2011
Scientific SessionsDr. Jim Summitt – Chair
Dr. Paul Hasegawa
Dr. John Petrini
Dr. Karl Hoffman
Dr. Dan Chan
Dr. Tom Cyr
Dr. Bill RobbinsConstitution and Bylaws
Dr. Kevin Frazier – Chair
Dr. James McCubbin – 2011
Dr. Dan Chan – 2013
Dr. Gary Holmes – 2013Website
Dr. Richard Stevenson – Chair
Dr. Mark Cruz
Dr. Tom Hilton
Dr. Jeff Platt
Dr. Bill Robbins
Dr. Fred Eichmiller
Dr. Tilly Peters – Chair
Dr. Gabriela Ibarra – 2011
Dr. Tom Hilton – 2011
Dr. Ana Bedran – Russo – 2011
Dr. Andrea Ferreira – Zandona – 2012
Dr. Marcela Hernandez – 2013
Dr. Peter C. Chiaravalli – 2013
Dr. Chris Lynch – 2013
Dr. Richard S. Kloehn – Chair
Dr. Frank K. Eggleston
Dr. Joel Wagoner
Continuing Education
Dr. Hal Laswell – Chair
Dr. Fred Eichmiller
Dr. John Reinhardt
Dr. Richard Stevenson
Dr. Fred Eichmiller – Chair
Dr. William “Rusty” Morris
Dr. Frank Perry
Dr. Susan Grennell
Dr. Frank Caughman
Dr. Joel Wagoner – Ex Officio
Ad Hoc Committee for International Affairs
Dr. Nairn Wilson – Chair
Dr. Jim Summitt
Dr. Tom Hilton
Dr. Eben DeArmond
Dr. Mike Cochran
Dr. Fred Eichmiller
Dr. Juliana Da Costa
Dr. Manuel Cordero
Membership – (Being combined with the Website Committee)
Dr. Jan Mitchell – Chair
Dr. Ann Shearer – 2011
Dr. Andrew Wagoner – 2012
Dr. Todd Schoenbaum – 2012
Dr. Joel Wagoner
Public Information, Signs, and Local Arrangements
Dr. Frank Perry – Chair
Dr. Tim Toepke
Dr. Richard Stevenson – Chair
Dr. Tina Lopez
Mrs. Perky Smith
Dr. Greg Smith
Dr. Joel Wagoner
Annual Meeting (Banquets, Gala Reception)
Dr. Joel Wagonerand
Mrs. Presley Wagoner
Dr. Greg Smith
Mrs. Perky Smith
Dr. Richard Stevenson
Dr. Tina Lopez
Dr. Tom Hilton
Dr. Eben DeArmond
Journal of Operative Dentistry
Dr. Timothy CarlsonWebsite: http://www.jopdent.org
Award of Excellence Recipients
The Award of Excellence was established in 1986 to recognize outstanding contributions to the discipline of Operative Dentistry in areas of, but not limited to: Service to the Academy; Teaching of Operative Dentistry at academic and continuing education levels; Promotion of excellence in operative dentistry at a national or international level.
2011 Award of Excellence Recipient
Dr. Michael Cochran
Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. Michael Cochran graduated from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in 1969. He then served in the U.S. Navy Dental Corps for nine years during which time he received his M.S.D. degree in Operative Dentistry and Dental Materials from the IU School of Dentistry. He subsequently joined the Indiana University School of Dentistry faculty as the Director of the Operative Dentistry Clinic and he served as Chairman of the Department of Operative Dentistry from 1988 until 1993. From then until 2009, Mike held the title of Professor and Director of Graduate Operative Dentistry at IU.
Throughout his academic career, Dr. Cochran taught and directed dozens of pre and post – doctoral dental courses. He has served on 143 post – doctoral committees chairing over half of them. He served on dozens of dental school committees and was elected President of the Faculty Council. He has maintained active membership of eight professional societies and also serves as Consultant on Operative Dentistry to a number of groups including the National Naval Postgraduate Dental School.
Dr. Cochran has held many official assignments in dental organizations, including the presidency of the American Academy of Gold Foil Operators, and also very significantly, he served for ten years as the Editor of our journal “Operative Dentistry”. Dr. Cochran has received numerous awards and has published more than 100 abstracts and scientific articles, contributed to 7 textbooks and presented over 200 continuing education courses nationally and internationally in the area of restorative dentistry.
In 2009, Mike formally retired from IUSD; however he continues to serve at the school in a volunteer role and teaches graduate operative residents and dental students as well. Furthermore, Mike is passionate about excellence and he is known for that excellence, in the quality of his presentations and also for the superb work he did as Editor of our Journal. His Keynote digital presentations are stunning and legendary and during his 10 years as editor, our journal “Operative Dentistry” nearly doubled in size, and it become known as a journal of the highest quality with many more high quality submissions for publication being received than could even be accepted.
The Academy is honored to have Dr. Michael Cochran as a long – time member and it is with high esteem and affection that the Academy presents this year’s Award of Excellence to this devoted professional and family man in tribute to his long and successful career to date, and his premier work as our journal Editor.
Dr. Timothy Carlson will have the honor of presenting this award to Dr. Cochran.
Dr. Gerald D. Stibbs | 1986 |
Dr. Paul T. Dawson | 1987 |
Dr. James P. Vernetti | 1988 |
Dr. A. Ian Hamilton | 1989 |
Dr. Ralph J. Werner | 1990 |
Dr. Melvin R. Lund | 1991 |
Dr. Richard V. Tucker | 1992 |
Dr. Paul H. Loflin | 1993 |
Dr. David J. Bales | 1994 |
Dr. Clifford M. Sturdevant | 1995 |
Dr. Harry Rosen | 1996 |
Dr. J. Martin Anderson | 1997 |
Dr. Gregory E. Smith | 1998 |
Dr. José E. Medina | 1999 |
Dr. Bruce B. Smith | 2000 |
Dr. Richard B. McCoy | 2001 |
Dr. John W. Reinhardt | 2002 |
Dr. Lawrence L. Clark | 2003 |
Dr. Norm Ferguson | 2004 |
Dr. James B. Summitt | 2005 |
Dr. Joel M. Wagoner | 2006 |
Dr. Thomas G. Berry | 2007 |
Dr. Willam A. Gregory | 2008 |
Dr. Warren K. Johnson | 2009 |
Dr. Richard G. Stevenson III | 2010 |
Dr. Michael Cochran | 2011 |
Hollenback Memorial Prize Recipients
The Hollenback Memorial Prize was established in 1975 as a memorial to the late George M. Hollenback for his distinguished research and leadership, the results of which have had so beneficial an effect on improving the quality of dental practice.The Prize is given for research that has contributed substantially to the advancement of restorative dentistry. Research of a broad range is considered, spanning the investigative spectrum from fundamental to applied, and encompassing all levels of investigation from prevention of dental disease to development
of improved materials and techniques.2011 Hollenback Prize RecipientDr. Burgess is the Assistant Dean for Clinical Research and the Director of The Biomaterials Graduate Program at the University of Alabama in Birmingham . He graduated from Emory University School of Dentistry and completed graduate training at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston . He completed a General Practice Residency and a General Dentistry Residency in the Air Force. He served as military consultant to the Surgeon General in General Dentistry and was Chairman of Dental Research and Dental Materials at Wilford Hall Medical Center before retiring from the USAF.
Dr. Burgess is a diplomat of the Federal Services Board in General Dentistry and the American Board of General Dentistry. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Dental Materials and the American College of Dentists, as well as an elected member of The American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and The American Restorative Academy. He is a member of the Academy of Operative Dentistry , The American and International Associations for Dental Research, the Alabama Dental Association and the ADA.
A dedicated researcher, he has served as the principal investigator on industrial, foundation, state and national grants. Dr. Burgess reviews for four dental journals, is the author of over 300 journal articles, textbook chapters and abstracts and has presented more than 800 continuing education programs nationally and internationally. Dr. Burgess is an active investigator on clinical trials evaluating posterior composites, adhesives, fluoride releasing materials, impression materials and class 5 restorations. He maintains a part – time practice in general dentistry. He has been happily married to Patricia for more than 30 years.
Dr. Robert J. Nelson | 1975 |
Dr. George C. Paffenbarger | 1976 |
Dr. Ralph W. Phillips | 1977 |
Dr. Miles R. Markley | 1978 |
Dr. Wilmer B. Eames | 1979 |
Dr. George W. Ferguson | 1980 |
Dr. Rafael L. Bowen | 1981 |
Dr. Lloyd Baum | 1982 |
Dr. Harold R. Stanley | 1983 |
Dr. Kamal Asgar | 1984 |
Dr. José E. Medina | 1985 |
Dr. Nelson W. Rupp | 1986 |
Dr. Gunnar Ryge | 1987 |
Dr. David B. Mahler | 1988 |
Dr. Gerald T. Charbeneau | 1989 |
Dr. Dennis C. Smith | 1990 |
Dr. Robert B. Craig | 1991 |
Dr. Marjorie Swartz | 1992 |
Dr. William V. Youdelis | 1993 |
Dr. Carl W. Fairhurst | 1994 |
Dr. Karl Leinfelder | 1995 |
Dr. Nobuo Nakabayashi | 1997 |
Dr. David Pashley | 1998 |
Dr. Takao Fusayama | 1999 |
Dr. Frederick C. Eichmiller | 2000 |
Dr. Richard D. Norman | 2001 |
Dr. Nairn H.F. Wilson | 2002 |
Dr. John W. Osborne | 2003 |
Dr. Ivar A. Mjör | 2004 |
Dr. Stephen C. Bayne | 2005 |
Dr. William H. Douglas | 2006 |
Dr. Guido Vanherle | 2007 |
Dr. Mathilde “Tilly” Peters | 2008 |
Dr. James B. Summitt | 2009 |
Dr. J. Rodway Mackert | 2010 |
Dr. John Burgess | 2011 |
Presidents of The Academy
Throughout its history, the Academy has enjoyed the finest of leadership – the following have served as President:
Dr. Robert L. Kinzer | 1983 |
Dr. William N. Gagnon | 1984 |
Dr. Lawrence L. Clark | 1985 |
Dr. Frank K. Eggleston | 1986 |
Dr. William von der Lehr | 1987 |
Dr. J. Martin Anderson | 1988 |
Dr. Anna T. Hampel | 1989 |
Dr. R. Craig Bridgeman | 1990 |
Dr. José E. Medina | 1991 |
Dr. Ralph M. Phelan | 1992 |
Dr. Richard B. McCoy | 1993 |
Dr. Warren K. Johnson | 1994 |
Dr. Thomas G. Berry | 1995 |
Dr. Joel M. Wagoner, | 1996 |
Dr. John W. Reinhardt | 1997 |
Dr. William E. Hawkins | 1998 |
Dr. Ebb A. Berry III | 1999 |
Dr. Leo J. Fleckenstein | 2000 |
Dr. Ronald C. House | 2001 |
Dr. Maria Lopez Howell | 2002 |
Dr. Richard G. Stevenson III | 2003 |
Dr. Richard S. Kloehn | 2004 |
Dr. W. Frank Caughman | 2005 |
Dr. Susanne T. Grennell | 2006 |
Dr. Frank U. Perry | 2007 |
Dr. William “Rusty” Morris | 2008 |
Dr. Frederick Eichmiller | 2009 |
Dr. J. William Robbins | 2010 |
Secretaries of The Academy
Dr. Ralph J. Werner | 1972 – 1989 |
Dr. Gregory E. Smith | 1990 – 2008 |
Dr. Richard G. Stevenson III | 2008 – present |
Assistant Secretaries have included:
Dr. Osvaldo Mayoral
Dr. Thomas G. Berry
Dr. Richard G. Stevenson III
Dr. Gregory E. Smith
Treasurers of The Academy
Dr. Ralph J. Werner | 1972 – 1996 |
Dr. Joel M. Wagoner | 1997 – present |
Confirmed Future Meeting Date
February 26 – 28, 2012
Sunday through Tuesday
Westin Hotel
909 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 943 – 7200
Continuing Education Credit
The Academy of Operative Dentistry is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
Attendees at the Academy’s year 2011 Annual Program are awarded 12 continuing education hours of credit by the Academy. A certificate to that effect, will be provided to each registrant at the conclusion of the meeting.